Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Red Flag

I used to feel like everyone was staring. Every mistake, another red flag. No matter what you do, you're always wrong. I worried about my flaws on display, I started to wonder if I was still normal. Self talk made me nervous, what if my head is right? My mom said, "No one's paying attention." My dad says, "Everyone trips and falls." I started to believe that my stumbles were endearing. The things that happen are all in how you interpret them. I am a person that makes all kinds of mistakes. If you want get to know me, you should know some things. I have made a mountain out of a mole hill, I can be a bit of a rebel, I don't always agree with what you are saying, and I can't claim to be perfect in my delivery. For better or worse, I am a free spirit. That is not something I can't always predict. Sometimes I wish I could read to the ending, just to see how it all turns out. What I know for sure; I'll stake my life on making you laugh, I care from a place that is deep in my heart, I hear what you say, and I hold on to what you are saying. It's not always as beautiful as it sounds on paper. I can be unpredictable, flighty, messy, and ugly. All my life, I prayed God would make me more normal, so I could blend in and run out of stories. Stories make my life less boring. I don't know all the answers, not every story has a happy ending, I can only try to take something from each of my days.

Lesson #39: Don't fight the storyteller.

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