Thursday, October 7, 2010

Baby Momma

When I see a sonogram I feel like I'm staring at an ink blot. I don't see the hamburger or the turtle. Sometimes I think I am the last one left in the single girl generation. I don't even like all the babies I meet. Pee and Poo make my mouth get all watery. My friends make it look easy. They know what to do, they'll grab the diaper and whip it out like its no biggie. Gack! and I've totally watched a kid wipe a bogey on an innocent bystander. Parenting is no easy task. However, some people are just destined to have cool babies. Eryn is the perfect example, her kid will probably eat it's Cheerios by lining them up in a neat row, and crunching them one by one. I can't wait for her appropriately tiny baby to come out of there. Even if it throws up on me I know we'll be ok, I might need a moment, but that's what best friends are for. I don't know if I'd say I'm a "baby person" but I love the tots, Chloe and Camilie are some of the funniest twins in the business. Against all odds the baby thing is starting to grow on me. 

Lesson #17: Befriend a kid.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I loved this post. I laughed out loud when I saw the pics of the turtle and hamburger. hahaha You are going to be the best aunt ever!! Thank you so much for your kind words though I am sure I have absolutely no idea what I am doing! :) Love you lots! E
